You’re in the right place... support starts here.

Inspire Health flower

Your journey to better health and well-being during cancer begins here. We’re committed to providing the best supportive cancer care for you and your family. This includes supporting your physical, emotional and spiritual health by reducing your stress, supporting your mental health, boosting your nutrition, integrating movement and exercise into your recovery and helping you focus on self-care. To get the individual and group support you need from our supportive care team, take the first step and register with us today.

Getting started is easy, and all services are free of charge.

Register as a patient or support person, attend an online orientation session, and book free appointments and classes.

“I have found the most incredible help at InspireHealth – so many life-changing resources, so much knowledge and support.” Jeanette

No matter where you are in your cancer journey, we are here for you.